Given distances between different vertices, find the shortest path from vertex i to vertex j
Input Format:
N ie no of direct path from one vertex to another
Next N lines have format- vertexA vertexB distance
vertexI vertexJ
Next N lines have format- vertexA vertexB distance
vertexI vertexJ
Output Format:
shortest pathlength of shortest path
Sample Input
a b 5
c a 5
a d 10
e c 12
d f 13
f d 1
a e 2
e a 4
f e 2
e f 1
b d 3
a d
a b 5
c a 5
a d 10
e c 12
d f 13
f d 1
a e 2
e a 4
f e 2
e f 1
b d 3
a d
Sample Output:
a e f d
use warnings;
use strict;
use Graph;
use Graph::Directed;
my $g = 'Graph::Directed'->new;
chomp(my $n=<>);
for(my $i=0;$i<$n;$i++)
my $tmp=<>;
my @arr=split(" ",$tmp);
my $APSP = $g->APSP_Floyd_Warshall;
chomp(my $in=<>);
(my $u,my $v)=split(" ",$in);
my $w = $APSP->path_length($u, $v);
if ($w) {
my @p = $APSP->path_vertices($u, $v);
print "$_ ";
print "\n$w";
Use module Graph for such problems
Your sample input file starts with 11, so the program expects 11 lines of graph definition, but you only supply 10. Your program then dies with "Uninitialized value for $n" in line 21. You either need to add an additional graph definition line, or change the first line to 10.
ReplyDeleteAdded an extra line, copy/paste error. Thanks for pointing.